BioInteractive Internship: Wearable Devices Development

spring '20

technical skills: Soldering , Manufacturing process, 600/480 VAC

In the spring 2020, I worked for BioInteractive Technologies as a Hardware Engineer for the Wearable Device development, where we build and test the wearable product called TENZR for hand tracking and recovery application. As it is a startup company, everything is fast-paced and a lot of changes are implemented. My main task is to build and test different prototypes to test out different ideas for the product. This would be reducing number of sensors or add/replace different kinds of sensors too. This work got me familiar with BLE development and using hardware breakout boards. Beside that, I also seek different methods to increase the manufacturing and testing process. One of my project is to write a Python script to extract the data from serial and output them to Excel.